Episode 1.11 We Need Life Editors

I Am Awesome At This, Actually It Was a Robot in a Dream, Lone Rebel Genius, Hip Motion is for Losers

Tagged: art, friendship

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Show Notes

In which we geek out about Doctor Who… and do our best to say something meaningful about the necessity of people who can tell us what we’re getting wrong in life, and who can be strong where we have weaknesses.


We said only one episode of new Doctor Who has won a Hugo. We were dreadfully wrong: the show has won six Hugos since the revival in 2006.





In which we link to neat things you might like.



The Hosts

Chris Krycho is a software engineer, podcaster, writer, and occasional composer. He lives with his family in Colorado.

Stephen Carradini is a digital media scholar and professor, writer, editor, and songwriter. He lives with his family in Arizona.


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