Episode 3.04 Mom Memes
Generational shifts in social media and the diversifying web
In which we look at how moms took over the internet, and how the shift from 18–34-year-old white males to not only middle-aged moms but also many other demographics is good for the web—even when it might seem a little strange to those who came of age on the internet in the years before Facebook was taken over by mommy bloggers.
Spoilers: we only made one “your mom” joke the whole episode!
- “God-Tier: Facebook Moms Run the Meme Game”
- Mommy bloggers:
- meme
- Badgers (requires Flash!)
- Scumbag Steve
- “Black Twitter”
- Previously on the show:
Before You Go
- “Charles Koch Urgest Conservatives to Skip ‘Corporate Welfare’” (TIME)
- “Cecil The Lion Update: Yelp Users Outraged After Thousands Of River Bluff Dental Reviews Vanish” (International Business Times)
- “The Fog”, by Beach Moon, Peach Moon
- “Winning Slowly Theme” by Chris Krycho. A little fuzzy the past few weeks, but it’ll be back to its full glory by next episode, don’t you worry.
Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:
- Jeremy W. Sherman
- Jeremy Cherfas
If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at or give directly via Square Cash.