Episode 3.13 Inevitable? (Live at NC State)
Self-driving cars, the limits of technology, and the tension between the personal and the communal.
Talking about self-driving cars and the tensions between public safety and personal responsibility, and between technological possibility and cultural norms.
- Stephen meant “Black Beauty” rather than “Black Betsy”.
- Mat Honan’s piece we referred to was on BuzzFeed, not Wired.
- Google’s Cute Cars And The Ugly End Of Driving: The main thing you should know about autonomous vehicles is that they are utterly inevitable.
- Chrysler hack
Before You Go
JetBrains gets subscription pricing right!
- Original post: “Introducing JetBrains Toolbox, easier access to your coding tools, more control and flexibility, and a lower entry price”
- Follow-up: “We are listening”
- Announcement of updated model: “Final update on the JetBrains Toolbox announcement”
- “Spring” by Sam Birchfield. Used by permission.
- “Winning Slowly Theme” by Chris Krycho, who still wants to find a Steinway and a good piano microphone to get a non-synthesized version of the theme.
Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:
- Jeremy W. Sherman
- Jeremy Cherfas
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