Episode 8.03 Phaedrus—Examined
Should we even keep reading this book—with its criticisms of books?
Show Notes
We dig into our disagreements with and appreciations of Plato’s Phaedrus!
Other things mentioned on the show:
- C. S. Lewis’ Introduction to Athanasius’ On the Incarnation
- Marshall McLuhan
- Ellul and Mumford
- 2.02: Basketballs ≠ Pumpkins
- Chat apps Slack and Twist
Next month’s book: The Postmodern Condition, Jean–François Lyotard
- “Electric 1 (Part B)” by Elkhorn
- “Winning Slowly Theme” by Chris Krycho.
Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:
- Daniel Ellcey
- Douglas Campos
- Jake Grant
- Marnix Klooster
- Spencer Smith
If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at Patreon or give directly via Square Cash.
We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!