Episode 8.17 Evolution as a Religion—Examined
We argue with Mary Midgley on how she did what she did, more than what she did
Show Notes
- Descartes’ belief that people can’t be rational without God; see paragraph six
- Richard Dawkins’ The Selfish Gene
- David Hume
- Immanuel Kant
- John Rawls, the specific claim Stephen most has a problem with is the veil of ignorance concept explained in this page (although this is not mentioned in the episode)
- Jacques Monod
- Wickedness: A Philosophical Essay
- Robinson Crusoe
Here’s another great cover of the book from the ’80s!
Upcoming Book
- October (8.18 and 8.19): Contact, Carl Sagan (and the movie)
- November (8.20 and 8.21): Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest, Zeynep Tufecki. You can also download it from Tufecki’s website as a PDF.
- “Sailor’s Cry” by A.M.R via Silk Music. Used by permission, please don’t use without permission.
- “Winning Slowly Theme” by Chris Krycho. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0, meaning you can do whatever you want with this music… as long as you share it for others to likewise do what they want.
Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:
- Daniel Ellcey
- Douglas Campos
- Jake Grant
- Marnix Klooster
- Spencer Smith
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