Standalone Episode 04 Jessica C. Blank
Documentary theater and the power of storytelling for social change.
Show Notes
An interview with writer, director, and actor Jessica C. Blank, focusing on her approach to using writing and acting as a means of accomplishing social change. We talk about her work on The Exonerated and How To Be a Rock Critic, as well as her theory of story and the way it can help create common ground even when people have deep disagreements.
Most importantly:
All the things we talked about on the show!
- The Death Row 10
- The Culture Project
- The Center on Wrongful Convictions
- The Innocence Project
- Vietnam Veterans Against the War
- National Vet Center
- Oxytocin and Cortisol
- George Ryan of Illinois
- A few of the actors who participated in The Exonerated:
- Joseph Campbell and the Hero’s Journey
- Marshall Ganz
- Mirror neurons
- Lester Bangs
- “Gorilla” by Beatlove
- “Winning Slowly Theme” by Chris Krycho.
Many thanks to the people who help us make this show possible by their financial support! This month’s sponsors:
- Daniel Ellcey
- Jake Grant
- Jeremy W. Sherman
- Marnix Klooster
- Nathaniel Blaney
- Spencer Smith
If you’d like to support the show, you can make a pledge at or give directly via Square Cash.
We love to hear your thoughts. Hit us up via Twitter, Facebook, or email!